"13 Moons (Seeds)" by Jaime Miranda-Bambarén, an exhibition at the Royal Trust Collection suggested by Jorge Villacorta after Queen Elizabeth II passed away, is refused.
On November 22, 2022, one month and two weeks after Queen Elizabeth passed away, Jorge Villacorta-Santamato sent an email that was answered by the Royal Trust Collection. He asked if the Royal Trust Collection would be interested in exhibiting the installation "13 Moons (Seeds)" by Jaime Miranda-Bambarén, displayed at Foley Square (New York) at the time as part of a public art program developed by the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation. The kind answer stated the impossibility of such an exhibition due to previous commitments by the institution. Queen Elizabeth II smiling. Source: https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/queen-elizabeth-ii-smiles-as-she-arrives-to-view-a-display-news-photo-1694185688.jpg Answer to the email sent by Jorge Villacorta-Santamato Proposal by Jorge Villacorta-Santamato. 1 out of 3 images. Proposal by Jorge Villacorta-Santamato. 2 out of 3 images. Proposal by Jorge Villacorta-Santamato. 3 out of 3 images. ----------